
Lesson 6

Think (e-Portfolio)
Before you began this course, what did you do (or still do) when you need to collaborate with other students on a project outside of class? In other words, what do you usually do if you want to show someone what you have done? What do you do if you need to work on it at the same time? How do you feel about doing collaborative work? Please write a brief description.

I do not like group work, it ofen makes me irritate.
First, Group work has to choose one conclusion but sometimes it takes a lot of time and it rejects my opinions; I have to change my mind.
Second, group work can not know how much other members have done or what they have done. If it went wrong way, it wasted time.
Third, group work has to gather. Thus, we have to make same time. Group work can not do aniy time.

It is easy to learn a new way to create, share, publish, collaborate, and access you work anywhere. The video that follows explains more about Google Docs and Spreadsheets. Watch it a few times, stop and start it at critical points (the narration is fast!), take some notes. Try to identify two or three things about using GDS that could make studying easier for you. Please watch this video

1 GDS all items on internet

2 sharing items other members

(1) GDS items are almost same asce, s microsoft office GDS are very useful to write essay or research because if I use this site, I can do everywhere even PC does not have microsoft office.

(2) It helps too much at group work. It is good at sharing. However all member has to know about GDS. GDS is not popular so I have to teach them.

Explain (e-Portfolio) Write a post reflecting on GDS with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions. 1. What are the main skills needed to use GDS?

It do not need special skills but it is better to able to use microsoft office and Internet.

2. What are the affordances of GDS (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?

If I use this site, I can do homework or essays everywhere and it makes PC do not need to microsoft office.
It can do group work same time by using sharing function.
It is good at collaborating others and even it might make me work with perfect strangers finding by delicious.

3. How can GDS be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?

GDS makes me network professionally, if I can use well it at groupwork. I hope I want to use it at Labs.

4. What skills and understandings have you learned about GDS that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?

My opinion, digital age is sharing much information age, and GDS is good at sharing information.
Therefore, it helps me to live in the digital age.

Survey Result


Lesson 4

Think (e-Portfolio) Before you began this course, what arrangements did you make (or still do) to save your favourite web pages? What provisions do you make to be able to access them whenever and wherever you need them?

I alwyays add favorite web pages to bookmark and classified to bookmark tag, menu, and page according to how frequency I use.

Explain (e-Portfolio)
Write a post reflecting on social bookmarking with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.

1. What are the main skills needed to use Delicious?

It need to have a knowledge of Delicious and also it need the skills of search engine becasue it is not only private bookmark function but also public. Therefore, the skills of search needed for sharing bookmark.

2. What are the affordances of social bookmarking (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?

It can make communities by sharing bookmarks or tags. Delicious helps to find people who is interested or studies same things. This community makes more easy to find good pages.

3. How can Delicious be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?

Delicious can be used helping homework. This site can share the bookmark so we can see a web-page which is used by classmates.

4. What skills and understandings have you learned about social bookmarking that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?

I think digital age is sharing a lot of informations and connecting a lot of informations. Delicious is satisfied both of them. Therefore, Delicious is very important and useful function in the digital age.


Lesson 5

Think (e-Portfolio) 1. Which sites do you visit regularly? Make a list (4~5 is fine). Before you began this course, what did you do (or still do) to keep yourself up to date on new content posted to your favourite sites?

I often visit ・msn news
・you tube
・google map
I have nothing to do. I do not always need to know what new content is updated on them. I always get new contents, when I visit these sites.

Explore (e-Portfolio) 1. Websites that display a button similar to the ones here on the right have an RSS feed that you can subscribe to. Visit a few of the sites that you listed above (Think step). Look over each site carefully, can you find an RSS button? You might need to scroll down the page, and you will need to look carefully if it is a 'busy' page. Which of your favourite sites provide an RSS feed? Write RSS next to each of these sites in your list. Which ones don't? Can you think why some sites do not?
・msn news: it has RSS button
it has RSS button
・google map: it doen't have RSS button
・navitime: it does't have RSS button
• msn news: this site updates a lot of news everyday. So it is very useful to use RSS, it can get new informations.
• youtube: If using RSS, it can get new uploaded video which user is interested in.
•google map: The aim of this site is finding the road, so it does not often upload new information and new function. Moreover, it does not need to know where is the new street. It is enough to find when it is searched.
•navitime: same reason as google map

2. How to collect information automatically. Please watch this video that explains more about RSS and how to set up Google Reader, so that you can collect all your updates in one location. Please watch the video a few times, stop and start it at critical points, and use it to learn more about RSS. When you feel confident go onto Do below.

I did

Explain (e-Portfolio)
Write a post reflecting on RSS with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.

1. What are the main skills needed to use Google Reader?

It does not need to special skills. RSS can be used, just putting favorite site on google reader.

2. What are the affordances of RSS (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?

RSS can get new informations very early. However too much new infomations might hide important informations.

3. How can Google Reader be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?

google reader is good at to see what is the topic and also it can search. Therefore, using them well, I can find topic even old one.

4. What skills and understandings have you learned about RSS that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?

If i use RSS, I can get many up-to-date information which I interested in. Furthermore RSS is good at to find old informations.


Lesson 2

Think (SCICU e-Portfolio)
Before you began this course, what arrangements did you make (or still do) to try and ensure that you could do any work you wanted to do during the day?

I do not know some special tools. I am bad at PC. I just can ask friends who knows smothing special tools.

Explore (SCICU e-Portfolio)
View a couple of these screenshot tours 1 2 3 4 showing how different users have developed a personal work environment in Firefox (FF). Most users have provided details on what extensions or tweaks they've made to develop their browser as a personal work environment. Take notes on some of the features that look interesting.

Many people uses a lot of icons and tool bars.They use them for useflullness, stylish. FF can changed from public soft to persoally soft.

Explain (SCICU e-Portfolio)
Write a post reflecting on this early version your PLE (Firefox on a USB drive & the add-ons) with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.

1. What are the main skills needed to use your PLE?
I don't need some special skills. They are easy to use. Moreover, there are a lot of information of them if I searched them.

2. What are the affordances of your PLE (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?

It makes me easy to search information. Especcialy, google tool bar is the most useful. It translate english words. However, I always use Safari in my house not FF so I cannot use PLE.

3. How can your PLE be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?

I can find a lot of information from internet. Almost of everything, I can get. Furthermore, PLE wich can be found a lot of result of the search is useful tool.

4. What skills and understandings have you learned from creating a PLE that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?

I understand digital tools are developping everyday. However, we should knows details. If just adding them to tool bars it will make confusing.