Think (e-Portfolio)
1. Before you began this course, what did you do (or still do) when you needed to collect, manage, and keep a record of citation details of your Web research? How effective do you think these information management strategies were?
I always add citation sites to book mark but it sometimes add other favorite sites so it makes me counfused which sites are citation.
The other hand, I sometimes atach citations to word.
2. In your view, what kinds of things would you want a Web research tool to be able to do?
I always think, I need automatically making citation tools. It is wasting time to make citations page.
Explore (e-Portfolio)
It is easy to learn a new way to collect, manage, and cite your research sources. The video that follows explains more about Google Docs and Spreadsheets. Watch it a few times, stop and start it at critical points, take some notes. Try to identify a few things about using Zotero that could make studying easier for you. In the Zotero Quick Start Guide, under 'Introductory Screencasts', please watch 1) ztour, & 2) zdemo.
I think zotero is very useful for me. I am often confused about bookmark but it helps me to organize book marks site by using note or highlight.
Zotero can make sitation lists automatically. I was surprised it and it must be helpful for me.
Do (ROW)
3. (e-Portfolio) During practice make brief notes that you can use to help you teach your partner what to do and how to do it.
First, download zotero plugin and installed to word. After that, it can use citation function at word and it can make citation page automatically.
Explain (e-Portfolio)
Write a post reflecting on Zotero with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.
1. What are the main skills needed to use Zotero?
I think zotero need to know information about Zotero. zotero is very usefull but Zotero has many functions so if I do not know details, I can not use it well.
2. What are the affordances of Zotero (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?
Zotero is good at to make citation page. It can cut off a wasting time to make citation.
3. How can Zotero be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?
I think note and highlight are very usefull to write essay. If I use them much, I can be a network professional.
4. What skills and understandings have you learned about Zotero that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?
Zotero can cut off a wasting time and organize informations. This is very important to live in the digital age because the digital age gives a lot of information so it is necessary to avoid wasting time and organize too much information.