Think (SCICU)
Before you began this course, what arrangements did you make (or still do) to be able to show to others (and to yourself), what you know and what you can do?
I think I should use some photos, Images, and Figures at my SCICU and my blog. If i use these ones, it will be more freindly web-site.
Explore (SCICU)
1. Do you need an e-portfolio? Please watch this presentation. (This presentation describes the use of a wiki, while you will use a blog for this e-portfolio)
Actually, it's not so necessary for me. I understood e-portfolio can upload and exchange Information and knowledge. However, I do not want to tell information. It just uses time. And I do not need to information from e-portfolio. I can find from books, wikipedia, search engine, and youtube. It's enough.
2. What are the main advantages and disadvantages you see in having an e-portfolio in addition to (or in place of) a traditional resume? Please see some of the examples below.
this tool's advantage is useful. It do not need much paper and it is easy to make the link between what I can do and what the organizations want. However, this tool do not choose person. Whoever can use it. Therefore, a lot of wrong information will be uploaded. sometimes we will get wrong information.
Explain (SCICU)
Write a post reflecting on your blog as an e-Portfolio with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.
1. What are the main skills needed to use your e-Portfolio?
i need this skill which is how to make it looks clearly. i should make it conspicuous,
some important words should be change the font.
2. What are the affordances of your e-Portfolio (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?
e-porfolio is very simple system and useful. I did not need much time to make it and it is able to update photos, links and somethings.
3. How can your e-Portfolio be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?
I should surf e-Portfolio and Blogger Blog, at google, msn, or some serch engine. These ones are popular sites, and I could find some how to use, good points, bad points, and dangerousness.
4. What skills and understandings have you learned from creating your e-Portfolio that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?
I've never made blog, and I thought to make blog is difficult. However, I could made e-Portfolio easy at this class. Moreover, to know making blog and arrangemnts skills will be fundamental, and these will be useful to live in digital age.
1 件のコメント:
Richika, I think you have begun to grasp the concept of an e-portfolio. But, overall I feel a little confused about your position on their value. You mention: "However, I do not want to tell information. It just uses time." I would like you to think about this one thing: In a connected world, when you share, people are more willing to share with you. This will increase your own capacity and increase your marketability. Please take some more time over your answers, you have much to offer. Grade: B-