
Lesson 2

Think (SCICU e-Portfolio)
Before you began this course, what arrangements did you make (or still do) to try and ensure that you could do any work you wanted to do during the day?

I do not know some special tools. I am bad at PC. I just can ask friends who knows smothing special tools.

Explore (SCICU e-Portfolio)
View a couple of these screenshot tours 1 2 3 4 showing how different users have developed a personal work environment in Firefox (FF). Most users have provided details on what extensions or tweaks they've made to develop their browser as a personal work environment. Take notes on some of the features that look interesting.

Many people uses a lot of icons and tool bars.They use them for useflullness, stylish. FF can changed from public soft to persoally soft.

Explain (SCICU e-Portfolio)
Write a post reflecting on this early version your PLE (Firefox on a USB drive & the add-ons) with reference to the four SCICU Key Questions.

1. What are the main skills needed to use your PLE?
I don't need some special skills. They are easy to use. Moreover, there are a lot of information of them if I searched them.

2. What are the affordances of your PLE (what does it make possible, what does it impede)?

It makes me easy to search information. Especcialy, google tool bar is the most useful. It translate english words. However, I always use Safari in my house not FF so I cannot use PLE.

3. How can your PLE be used to network professionally and connect you (& other students) to learning resources?

I can find a lot of information from internet. Almost of everything, I can get. Furthermore, PLE wich can be found a lot of result of the search is useful tool.

4. What skills and understandings have you learned from creating a PLE that may promote your development as an effective learner in the digital age?

I understand digital tools are developping everyday. However, we should knows details. If just adding them to tool bars it will make confusing.

1 件のコメント:

Owen James さんのコメント...

Richika, this is just kind of OK. I feel you have a tendency not to answer the question directly. Think, for example, is not a relevant answer. "I understand digital tools are developping everyday. However, we should knows details." At a couple of places in your post you could have included your evaluation of the accuracy of GToolbar's translation service, which you mention. Did you also learn (from Kunio?), how to use Zotero? This can be a very productive tool for research. I would also like you to discuss more in class, you do tend to be very quiet, and it is difficult to test out your ideas if you keep them to yourself, and this discussion can help you write better answers too. Grade C.